"Fast and Furious" - the name of an operation orchestrated by the ATF to help them build a case against Mexican cartels. During the operation, they let cartels get their hands on thousands of tactical guns (e.g. .50 cal sniper rifles) through straw purchases.
Of course the plan fell apart. The BATF lost track of a huge number of the guns. And they didn't end up making any strides against the cartels. In fact, all that really happened is the cartels became more armed. They even shot down a helicopter with the arms, and killed a border patrol agent, Brian Terry.
So basically, American tax dollars directly funded the cartels' violence. Brilliant. And there are actually people for increasing federal taxes?
Thankfully, some of the people behind the operation are paying for their idiocy. For instance, Dennis K. Burke, a U.S. attorney, and Ken Melson, ATF director, have resigned.
Here's the genius behind the operation:
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