Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Beachy Sunday

I'm going to the beach in less than 10 minutes. Sandwiches, sunscreen/block/cream, and some other item beginning with 's' are all packed. One 's' word object that I won't be bringing is my swimsuit. The water is too cold for swimming now. But it'll be nice in a few months. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

George be a politician?

Unfortunately, no. As much as I'd love to see that dreamy man in office, I know it won't happen. How? Because he said so! Specifically, he said, ""I fucked too many chicks and did too many drugs, and that’s the truth." But hey, Mr. Clooney, that never stopped any other politicians! Heck, you can even continue your carousing while you're in office. Oh boy, I'm just getting silly. *cough* Bill Clinton *cough*

But really. I'm not that shallow. Or am I?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oral Sex Linked to Cancer

So according to a recent study, the number of oral sex partners you have is positively correlated with your chance of getting oropharnyx cancer. I'm not sure how I feel about this. But here's a quote from the source:

"The latest data suggest that 64% of oropharynx cancers - growing in the middle part of the throat - in the United States are caused by HPV, which is more than tobacco causes, said Maura Gillison of Ohio State University. And as the number of partners on whom you have performed oral sex goes up, the risk of oropharnyx cancer goes up."


Something to keep in mind, that's for sure!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Law School Update

Finally, a more serious post! A law school update! So I applied for deferred entry to law school, which means I'd start in 2012. But I hear back from the schools this Winter and Spring. I got rejected from two schools so far and put on the waiting list for another. But on the bright side, I have been invited to an interview, which I will attend in two weeks. This is a very, very good sign! And I am super excited! I hope there are more interviews and acceptances in my future! I have yet to hear back from my top choices, so good things to come maybe :)

Wish me luck everyone!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Midterms are finally over. It's about damn time. My bloodshot eyes can only stare at text for so long.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Under Cover of Darkness

I'm excited...because it's here! The Strokes have released their first single for their album "Angles" - and you can download it for free if you sign up for their newsletter before February 11th.

I was pleasantly surprised with the song. And that's an understatement. The rhythm guitar parts are very reminiscent of "Is This It." The lead guitar parts sound like something from "First Impressions of Earth." And in a break from their usual formula, both Albert and Nick play the lead part simultaneously during parts of the song. The drum and bass parts propel the song forward with a simple yet driving pulse.

What is most surprising are the vocals. The melody is a bit more adventurous than the Strokes usually use. And there are harmonies...a few of them. There's a parallel third during much of the chorus, as well as various other harmonies dotting the soundscape.

Overall, an awesome first single. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tranny Alert

Sorry I haven't been posting much. It's because I've been in...

That's right, I went to Vegas. :) I had a blast. There is nothing like doing schoolwork under a palm tree! I could share tales of gambling and partying, but I won't. Instead I will tell you that I sat next to a transgendered female on the flight home. She had extremely large hands and a 5:00 shadow.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Anderson Cooper Attacked in Egypt

Well apparently he was attacked in Egypt. I thought he was a silver fox or something. Wouldn't a fox be able to evade such a simple attack?