Monday, May 7, 2012

Cops have too much power?

Well, do they?

I believe they do. Contrary to what the government will have us believe, police officers are humans. They make mistakes. Unfortunately, when they make mistakes, people are maimed or killed. The justice system, however, does not seem to believe police officers are capable of wrong.

TheAmazingAtheist addresses this issue nicely:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SOPA - it's not over.

There is a virtually SOPA part 2 coming out. It's called CISPA, which is short for Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. It violates your rights to free speech.

Please read about it here:

Please read about its supporters here:


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

U.S. Government Invades Privacy and Censors - SOPA, PIPA

Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, seeks to give the government methods of battling online piracy. Unfortunately, it does this by invading U.S. citizens' privacy and impacting freedom of speech. The PROTECT IP act also has similar ramifications.

Join the movement to oppose SOPA and PIPA! Stop censorship! Let your voice be heard!

Educate yourself:

Write to your representatives:

Raise awareness! Tell everyone you know!

Make your voice heard...while you still can!