Monday, March 21, 2011


The African Union, Arab League, Russia, China, and various South American leaders have expressed disapproval at the actions of the Americans in Libya. Yet we feel obligated to move on.

Why is the US government so determined to tarnish our international image? We said we weren't targeting Gaddafi, yet we send a missile right into his compound.

Furthermore, Gaddafi has a huge following in Libya. He's arming his citizens because THEY SUPPORT HIM. It's a small batch of rebels causing all the trouble. But the US has to side with the rebel force. Why? Because then we'll be able install a Western friendly government if they win.

Is a few years of a interacting with a more Western friendly government really worth sacrificing the safety of the average American citizen? Is it really worth spending millions and millions of dollars?

Our country is trillions of dollars in debt, yet we're launching million dollar cruise missiles every few minutes. That makes sense.

And just to remind everyone, the Lockerbie bomber came from Libya. On top of that, Gaddafi has PROMISED a wave of terror as retribution for the 'coalition's actions.' This doesn't bother Obama though - he doesn't fly on commercial airlines.

On a similar note, Rep. Kucinich has said that Obama has committed an impeachable offense by authorizing airstrikes on Libya without congresses approval.

"President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have Congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said" - Rep. Kucinich.

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